Facilities Service Center

Jackson College Facilities Service Center 

Welcome to the JC Facilities Service Center, 交流中心致力于有效地解决各种校园需求.  From repairs and custodial services to event arrangements, we’re here to ensure seamless operations across the campus.

To streamline your experience, all work requests are managed through our online system, Asset Essentials.  请提供准确和全面的资料,以便我们迅速有效地作出回应.  我们的团队每天孜孜不倦地监控系统,及时分配任务并通知相关人员.

Our ultimate goal is your satisfaction.  如果您对您的请求的状态有任何疑问或疑虑, feel free to reach out to us, .

设施服务中心坚定不移地致力于培养一个安全的, comfortable, clean, functional, and sustainable campus environment.


Morgan Phillips
Facilities Coordinator

Routine Repairs

利用我们的工作请求系统有效地处理日常维修.  Examples of routine requests include:

  • Light replacement
  • Refilling soap and/or paper towel dispensers
  • Repairing broken doors or locks
  • Replacing cabinet or file keys
  • Fixing broken furniture or blinds
  • Managing rodents or pests
  • Hanging pictures
  • Continuously running toilets

Submit a Work Request

A gentle reminder: Work requests are prioritized based on urgency. 紧急事件在报告当天得到处理, 而常规的请求可能需要几天或几周的时间来处理, depending on urgency.

如果您对您的工作单状态有任何疑问或担忧, .

Need to modify a submitted work request?  只需通过电子邮件发送工作订单ID (WOID)号和所需的更改.  请不要再提交修改工作的请求.

Urgent Repairs

紧急维修包括需要立即注意的情况,以防止严重的伤害或财产损失. These include:

  • Broken water or gas pipes
  • Power failures
  • Water backing up from drains
  • Potential fire or shock hazards
  • Heating issues leading to freezing risks
  • Conditions conducive to slip and fall accidents

For urgent repairs, promptly contact Facilities at 517.796.8681.

如果生命或财产受到迫在眉睫的威胁,请拨打安全电话517.796.8620 or 911.

Your safety is our top priority.

Event Request

全球网络赌博平台设施的工作人员希望确保您的活动是愉快的, productive, and safe.  设备部负责椅子、桌子等的安装和维修. for events.

Not Sure Where to Start?

联系Sandra Phelan或Kimberly seabburg来帮助计划或安排您的下一个活动.

Sandra Phelan    
Operations Coordinator

517.787.0800 ext. 8172

Kimberly Seaburg
Scheduling Coordinator


Facilities Event Support Services

想要获得无缝的活动支持服务,请全球网络赌博平台 JCFacilitiesServiceCenter@mapnama.com. 我们感谢至少提前两周收到您的请求. 以下是我们为您的特殊活动提供的一些服务和全球网络赌博平台, subject to availability on a first-come, first-served basis:

  • 10×10 Tent
  • 12×12 Tent
  • 20×30 Tent

  • 6ft Banquet Tables
  • 8ft  Banquet Tables
  • Grill

  • Chairs
  • Trash Bins
  • Extension Cords

  • Limo Golf Cart
  • Custodial Services
  • Setup & Breakdown

BW Community Rooms – Standard Setups

Other Event Support Services


AuPicture of JC Solution Center student employeesdio/Visual Equipment

有关视听设备和操作员安排,请发送电子邮件至解决方案中心 JCSolutionCenter@mapnama.com.



SecuJC Safety and Security Logority

根据活动的规模或时间,可能有必要通知JC Security. 为您的活动协调安全支持,请联系517.796.8620 to make necessary arrangements.  Your safety and security are our priority.

Food Service – Memorable Events Catering

对于您的餐饮服务要求,难忘事件为您服务.  如需咨询我们的烹饪专家,请拨打517.796.8407.  For additional details, visit our food service web page.  They look forward to making your event deliciously memorable!

JC Logo Final - ColorBanners/Posters/Signage

For your signage or advertising requirements, please get in touch with the JC Marketing Department at 517.796.8416 or visit the marketing web page.

Jackson College Snow & Ice Removal

Central Campus in winter

Snow Removal Plan

We’ve developed a comprehensive snow removal plan,每年更新一次,指定两个除雪队错开轮班工作. 该计划确保有充足的员工安排操作设备,并保持足够的人力储备, 即使在长时间的雪灾期间,也能保证校园的清洁


The Facilities Department uses a new de-icing agent, Liquid Snow Shovel, on Central Campus sidewalks in the winter.  液体雪铲在每次降雪前喷洒在人行道上.  Liquid Snow Shovel reduces the time spent removing snow, keeps granular salt off the building floors and carpets, and is eco-friendly.

Winter Safety

在冬季,设施部门优先考虑校园里每个人的安全. 以下是你可以采取的额外预防措施,以确保你的安全:

Exiting Your Vehicle:

  1. 下车时保持三个接触点.
  2. Use your vehicle for support when possible.
  3. Exit the vehicle before retrieving any items.jackson college central mall in winter


  1. 计划好你的步行路线,尽可能坚持走干净和处理过的路面.
  2. Wear appropriate footwear and walk cautiously.
  3. 使用扶手,特别是在湿滑的情况下.
  4. 尽量减少分心,比如打电话或搬运重物.
  5. 戴上手套,以保持双手温暖和更好的平衡.

Entering a Building:

  1. 小心融化的雪或冰,因为融化的冰可能会在一夜之间重新结冰,造成滑点.
  2. 在垫子上擦鞋,防止在室内留下雪和冰.